======================== APRCALC 2.2 PACKING LIST 3/1/96 ======================== All files are copied to your hard drive unless otherwise noted. Please do not copy files by hand (except as a last resort) - use the installation program instead! Do not remove any files from the APRCalc floppy disk, or the installation program may not run correctly! Registered users should keep their copy of the APRCalc disk in a safe place in case it needs to be reinstalled. If any files are missing (for the version of APRCalc you have), please contact Larry Leonard at Internet address "71753.2426@compuserve.com". APPSETUP.INF - Contains information used by the installation programs to direct which files go where, among other things. Not copied to your hard drive. APRCALC.EXE - The main executable Windows program file for APRCalc. APRCalc will not run without this file. APRCALC.HLP - The Windows help file. CTL3D.DLL - Program file that contains code used by the installation program to give it a 3-D appearance. Not copied to your hard drive. CTL3DV2.DLL - Program file used by APRCalc to give it a 3-D appearance. Only copied to your hard drive if it is not already there. If this file is missing, APRCalc will run correctly but will display several error messages. FILE_ID.DIZ - Contains information used by BBS systems to describe APRCalc. Not copied to your hard drive. INSTALL.EXE - One of two installation programs. INSTALL.EXE calls IW.EXE, which in turn performs the actual installation. INSTALL.EXE is copied to your hard drive (in your WINDOWS directory), but it can be safely erased from your hard drive *after* you have sucessfully installed APRCalc. IW.EXE - One of two installation programs, and the one that performs the actual installation. IW.EXE is called by INSTALL.EXE. Not copied to your hard drive. MFC250.DLL - Program file which contains Microsoft Foundation Classes code for APRCalc. Only copied to your hard drive if it is not already there. APRCalc will not run without this file. MUSCROLL.DLL - Program file which contains code for the spinbutton controls used by APRCalc. Only copied to your hard drive if it is not already there. APRCalc will not run without this file. ORDER.TXT - (Unregistered version only.) Contains the order form which allows you to register your copy of APRCalc. Please see the APRCalc Help file for information about what you will receive by registering. PACKLIST.TXT - This file. Not copied to your hard drive. PRESSREL.WRI - Windows 3.1 Write document; press release for this version of APRCalc. Not copied to your hard drive. README.TXT - Contains general introduction to APRCalc, which is displayed during installation. REGISTRD.ID - (Registered version only.) Contains the encrypted customization text for your registered copy of APRCalc, which appears in the "Help, About..." dialog box, and also on hardcopy amortization printouts. - End of File -